Video launch for a new nature trail, website, & app
This video was created to advertise a new trail being launched in the Driftless Area of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois. As the marketing consultant on the project, I independently designed, edited, and produced the YouTube video to launch the trail.
Video abstract for academic article
This video abstract is my first design published by an academic journal, Foreign Language Annals (by ACTFL). As journals move towards video abstracts and away from traditional, written abstracts, researchers must create a video to summarize their work. Thus, I was hired by a University of Minnesota professor to create this video. The video abstract can be found published on the homepage of Foreign Language Annals.
Feature redesign project
This user interaction and experience design project was an assignment for CI 5362: Foundations of Interactive Design for Web-Based Learning. The goal of the project was to focus on an area or feature of a website that causes the user cognitive strain, and to redesign the feature to make it more meaningful, easy to use, and aesthetically pleasing to the user. Thus, I created a new training website for the company I worked for at the time (Wellness USA, of Sybaritic, Inc.).
User interface design project
For this visual design project (again, from Foundations of Interactive Design for Web-Based Learning), I designed a visual sitemap and wireframe (i.e. the backbone on which a project stands) for a website that we will visually design and develop in the next project. This project focused on content organization, navigation/usability design, and UX guidelines for future frontend development.
Social design project
This project was an assignment for CI 5336: Planning for Multimedia Design & Development in which I learned the theory, research, and practice of instructional design. For this project, I created a mock-up of the visual design and functionality of a prototype for a mobile iPhone/iPad skincare app. In addition to conceptualizing the environment, I designed layouts for all functional screens and presented my app following pecha-kucha style (PechaKucha’s 20x20 presentation format showcases your 20 chosen images, each for 20 In other words, you've got 400 seconds to tell your story, with visuals guiding the way).
Emotional design project
For this project (again, for Planning for Multimedia Design & Development), the goal was to pick an audience and a problem, and subsequently, to design and develop a prototype application that proposes a solution to the problem.
Spanish 1004 introductory video
This is an example of the weekly videos I created and shared with students of my Spanish class at the University of Minnesota, Spanish 1004. I use these videos as a means of communicating important weekly announcements to my students during the COVID-19 pandemic, during which we are unable to meet in person.